DVD Now Rental Kiosk Franchises – Recession Proof Business Opportunity

Recession Proof Business - Automated DVD rental kiosk Franchise! DVD Now Kiosks, Inc.
There is a real truism in what economists say about some sectors of the community when it comes to a recession proof business. When there is a recession, the industries you need to be in are alcohol, gambling, and entertainment. Gone are the days where people flocked to movie houses or theaters - today, they either spend their time surfing through all those cable channels or they rent a DVD. DVD Now franchises tap into that desire for entertainment, they do it through kiosks in convenient heavily trafficked environments like shopping malls and aims to bring a DVD Rental Kiosk machine to a lobby near you.It is estimated that we spend more than $20 billion every year on DVD rentals, would you say thats a recession proof business?. In the past, this has been primarily through video rental stores. What sets DVD Now Rental Kiosk Franchises apart from those video rental stores is the convenience, the rental process speed, and the fact that the kiosks used to only stock the most popular DVDs on the market.

As a DVD Now Rental Kiosk Franchisee, the benefits are all yours. The cost to get started is a low $20,000. You can and should be up and running within 30 days, and the business concept itself is almost self running. You don't employees to collect money, or check out (or in) DVDs. The whole process is automated through a vending machine. All you need do is collect the money on a regular basis, and ensure the machine is stocked with the latest videos.
Vending machines in the right location are almost a license to print money and is a recession proof business. DVD Now Rental Kiosks Franchises are proving that everyday - a factor that has driven them to number 33 in the 2011 Hot Franchise top 100. It's a low cost entry, the returns are high in comparison, and the involvement is minimal.
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